A simple workaround for query designer criteria limitation in Meridium APM
When using Meridium APM to build queries, sometimes you get frustrated by the fact that Meridium doesn't allow for import of datasets or lists to be used as input criteria for queries, it only allows it for graphs, because you frequently need such functionality to build certain queries, for example if you would like to fetch important data for a list of equipment such as its criticality or its maintenance work history. The query designer allows you to define up to 150 rows, and even worse, you have to enter them manually one by one. There is a simple workarounds for this problem: Use one or more IN statements in the Criteria fields. Note that IN Statements are limited to 1000 entries (for e.g. IN ('criteria1', 'criteria2'...'criteria1000') ). To get around this limitation use multiple IN statements. IF you have a list of criteria, let's say SAP equipment IDs for example, you can easily construct IN statements by using regular expression capable text editor or an online service such as regexr.com
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